Welcome to SUISSE

To get Update Files for your KEBA Safety devices, follow these steps:

Data Protection Declaration
  1. Login to your account or create one

  2. Upload the Update Request Excel sheet with the serials, current version and desired version on the Update Package page

  3. After successful upload the request is displayed below and a KEBA responsible will verify and create your request

  4. Clicking on the request ID, brings you to the detailed request, were you can withdraw the request, if it hasn’t yet been created or download the update package if it has been created

  5. Update package is a zip File, which consists of the requested update files including but not limited to an update manual and update labels

  6. For D3 devices without Update Stick only:

  7. For D3 devices: Upload either the report.xlsx with a signed pdf of this Excel or the update report zip files on the Validation Page

  8. On the request page, you can see correct updated devices highlighted green while wrong or not yet updated ones are red